Tuesday, December 1, 2009

BO DUKE - great surprise!

When we went to a car show back in October we were pleasantly surprised by the appearance of John Schneider. I loved watching the Dukes of Hazzard back in the 80's and of course "Bo" was my brother of choice! LOL I must say the man is aging very well! If my husband wouldn't have pointed him out though I would have never recognized him. I can hear the song now - Just the good ol' boys, never meanin no harm, beats all you ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they were born.......


Debra Bagato said...

OMG I am so jealous!!!!!!!! Oh yea by the way your layout is nice too lol

Cheryl First said...

How totally cool! That would have been so great! You lucky lady! :)

TT said...

how fun. a good page to make. i loved the show too.